If you’re searching for good numbing spray to lessen the sensitivity of your penis, it’s time for a more effective solution. Duai polyclover delay spray allows you to last longer up to 60 minutes long. It can help you delay your ejaculation to as long as an hour. That’s enough time to satisfy your girl.
Product Description
Bottle Size: 10ml
Application: External use only
Ingredients: Pure herbal essence extracts
Key Features
- Apply it a few minutes before sex
- Non-harmful to the penis, as well as the vagina
- Contains safe ingredients
- Saves you from rapid ejaculation
- Numbs over-sensitive penile glans
- Practical solution for men with ED
- Better erection, allows you to stay hard longer
- Slow your orgasm, without reducing pleasure
- Improve your sex life, solidify your relationship
Product Description
You’ve always wanted to blow her mind, but don’t know how? Duai 60 Minute polyclover climax delay spray allows you to get in the driver’s seat. That means you control your performance in bed with confidence.
As it never lets you down, you can rely on it every time. A good delay spray like Duai polyclover helps you save the night. It helps you go as long as 60 minutes, so enjoy sex and make love even more!
In a review of one customer, he said that he once slept with a girl he met in the bar. He was later embarrassed, as he ejaculated within three minutes; due to the excitement and penile sensitivity.
However, after he learned about Duai polyclover delay spray, on his next date, things changed. He started using delay spray every time he had sex and it made a big difference. Lasting longer in bed means more sex!!!
In other words, you only have few chances to make a long lasting first impression. You can do that with longer ejaculations and stronger erections in sex.
“I highly recommend it. Get this spray. I used it, and can now hold my orgasm from 20 to 30 minutes. A HUGE IMPROVEMENt!!!” –
Lyle, San Francisco, ??
Don’t wait any longer! Get the Duai polyclover climax delay spray for more power and stamina in your sexual encounters!
Old Trucker –
Works as labeled. Have to follow instructions from article, as well as advice by others to make it effective in use. As it is, clean up and shave, so it can be absorbed fully.
You have to increase the spray to feel the effect, especially if you have extreme premature ejaculation.
Old Trucker, ??
Ivy Dude –
I got my orders thank you. I need help to control my semen that comes out early. I don’t like it and my girlfriend don’t like it. I’m so embarassed everytime we have sex. Used the spray to lessen the sensitive part in my penis head. It works! I now last longer in bed at least up to twenty minutes. Not bad. I continuously use it and learn to hold the cum.
Ivy Dude, New Jersey, ??
Katsu –
Help me extend my orgasm in sex. I bought the spray.
Katsu, ??
Marty –
The Peineili spray really works! What else can I say. I have to order two more bottles, as I like to have sex a lot, but I have a bad ejaculation. As the weeks go by, my body was able to adjust. The sentivity of the penis head and shaft goes down. I lowered the dosage of the spray. Hopefully I’ll be able hold naturally in a months time.
Marty McFly, Las Vegas, ??
Eric –
I used the spray regularly and I feel the result after a few adjustment in dosage. If you have the worst rapid ejaculation on the planet, make use of the spray with other advice, like improve diet, and meditation. Honestly, small spray didn’t work, but I increase that. Then do other suggestions as relaxation. I know relaxation, yoga, meditation sounds gay. But the external application like desensitizing spray helps with the mental thing.
Eric, Washington, ??
Ahmad –
شكرا لرذاذ تأخير.
استخدامها مرة الثانية، ويشعر تأثير في جلد قضيبي
Thank you for this delay spray. Use it second time, and I can now feel the effect in skin of my penis.
Ahmad, ??
Lyle –
I highly recommend it. Get this spray. I used it, and can now hold my orgasm from 20 to 30 minutes. A HUGE IMPROVEMENt!!!
Lyle, San Francisco, ??